Posted by Charlene Fountain on
It’s a milestone event today for our family — it is our daughter's 21st Birthday. As the youngest of many cousins on both sides of the family she is very similar to myself as the youngest in my family. Setting your goals high is a trait of the youngest in most families. She is traveling on a medical service trip with “Unite for Site” and providing eye care for people of need. Very proud of her commitment to public health!!
Not having her home on such a big day is different than all her past birthdays. The world is so much smaller with Facebook and other Social media. Her picture while abroad arrived in a matter of seconds; then I’m sharing it with the world. Can you believe she is sitting atop a 6th century BC structure? How is it possible that this construction built over 1,400 years ago is still be standing today? Modern day architecture has the use of computer-aided design CAD that enhances structure function and strength. Now, it's essential that we develop CAD plans for design planning with kitchens, baths and commercial renovations. It's common today for designers and architects to use this technology. How was this accomplished for our ancestors to create the pyramids, temples and cathedrals throughout the world? Milestone computer technology growth and milestone birthdays have much in common. They get more attention of people everywhere as the years grow larger, making the world seem smaller…….

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